Whatever your gifts and talents, we have a place where you can use your skills and abilities to serve our community, the local church, and in missions as you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Serve in the Community
Here are some ministries happening in Walla Walla that are doing great work, that First Assembly supports on a regular basis. If you have a heart for one of these areas and would like to serve, click through to get connected!
Serve in the Church
There are many areas within our church where you can serve! If you aren't sure where to plug in - no problem, we'll help you find your place. Pastor Jonathan is our administrative pastor, and coordinates volunteers - you can contact him at the church office (509-525-2743), or via email ( Here are a few ways to get involved!
Serve in Missions
First Assembly is catalyst for serving around the globe. Periodically, we travel to other countries, cities or states and give of our time and talent. To express your interest in finding out more, email Jill or fill out the connect card during our Sunday morning worship service and drop it in the offering.